I came here years ago with numbness and tingling in my right shoulder and arm. They used a small device that was supposed to increase circulation, but it was a magic wand for all the good it did. I stopped coming since it wasn't helping. The worst part of my experience here was trying to pay a bill. I owed $80, which was a lot for me back then, as a recent college grad struggling to find work in my field. I requested to make a couple payments instead, and the woman refused to let me do that. When I said "But that's how I've always made doctor payments," she replied, "You've only been here once, maam." Apparently she doesn't realize that other doctor's offices exist and allow patients to pay in increments. I paid the full amount since she wouldn't budge, cried, and borrowed money from my mom to make the payment. I didn't appreciate the way she treated me, so I called and left a complaint. Never got a response. I'd recommend going to other places that aren't as rude. Oh, and the numbness and tingling turned out to be related to gluten intolerance, so I no longer have those issues.
I came here years ago with numbness and tingling in my right shoulder and arm. They used a small device that was supposed to increase circulation, but it was a magic wand for all the good it did. I stopped coming since it wasn't helping. The worst part of my experience here was trying to pay a bill. I owed $80, which was a lot for me back then, as a recent college grad struggling to find work in my field. I requested to make a couple payments instead, and the woman refused to let me do that. When I said "But that's how I've always made doctor payments," she replied, "You've only been here once, maam." Apparently she doesn't realize that other doctor's offices exist and allow patients to pay in increments. I paid the full amount since she wouldn't budge, cried, and borrowed money from my mom to make the payment. I didn't appreciate the way she treated me, so I called and left a complaint. Never got a response. I'd recommend going to other places that aren't as rude. Oh, and the numbness and tingling turned out to be related to gluten intolerance, so I no longer have those issues.