I took a scratch off lottery ticket there to cash it in and collect the money. When the attendant scratched off the area that needs to be scanned to claim the prize, she damaged the ticket! So now in order to collect my winnings, I either have to take or mail the ticket to one of the prize centers! I thought everybody knew not to use anything sharp to scratch off a lottery ticket because it could damage it. Since she's the one that damaged it, they should be the ones that have to go through the hassle that its going to take to get the prize money, not me!
I took a scratch off lottery ticket there to cash it in and collect the money. When the attendant scratched off the area that needs to be scanned to claim the prize, she damaged the ticket! So now in order to collect my winnings, I either have to take or mail the ticket to one of the prize centers! I thought everybody knew not to use anything sharp to scratch off a lottery ticket because it could damage it. Since she's the one that damaged it, they should be the ones that have to go through the hassle that its going to take to get the prize money, not me!