I found an San Francisco Craigslist ad for the exact Prius I wanted and it was priced very competitively, but it was located across the country in Indiana. I spoke to Norman and he went through the car with me with Facetime, so I took the leap of faith to purchase the vehicle without seeing it in person. This is the first time I purchased a out of state vehicle and having it shipped to me left me with endless worries, but fortunately the car arrived in better condition than I expected and it ran like new. I couldn't be happier with my purchase, and yes I would definitely buy another car from Grand Prize Cars. Thank you Norman!
I found an San Francisco Craigslist ad for the exact Prius I wanted and it was priced very competitively, but it was located across the country in Indiana. I spoke to Norman and he went through the car with me with Facetime, so I took the leap of faith to purchase the vehicle without seeing it in person. This is the first time I purchased a out of state vehicle and having it shipped to me left me with endless worries, but fortunately the car arrived in better condition than I expected and it ran like new. I couldn't be happier with my purchase, and yes I would definitely buy another car from Grand Prize Cars. Thank you Norman!